Talk Early. Talk Often.
Parents and caregivers have a significant influence in their children’s decisions to experiment with alcohol and other drugs. Use that influence to have open, honest conversations that help you connect with your kids.
Need help starting the conversation? Check out these resources to help you start talking to your children about the dangers of drinking alcohol and using other drugs at a young age.
Talk. They Hear You.
A guide from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | SAMHSA.gov
Start talking with your kids about the facts about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. SAMHSA’s substance use prevention campaign gives parents and caregivers tips and tools to start talking to their children early.

Parent Drug Guides
Guides from the Partnership to End Addiction | DrugFree.org
Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use? Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? The Partnership to End Addiction has the science- and research-backed information to help you help your child.
A comprehensive and up-to-date source for everything you need to know to better prevent the use or misuse of the substances most accessible to teens and young adults.
As a parent, you are the biggest influence in your child’s life and having open, honest conversations is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your kids and help them develop into healthy adults.
Naloxone is a opioid overdose reversal drug and it’s saving thousands of lives in Arizona. Find out where you can get naloxone today.
Find Help
Treatment works and there is hope. Medication along with behavioral therapies have been shown to be effective in treating those with an addiction to fentanyl and other opioids.
Concerned About Someone’s Opioid Use?
If you’re concerned about someone’s opioid or fentanyl use call the Arizona Opioid Assistance Referral line at
for information about treatment and counseling options.